online website builder

Search Engine Optimiation

Have you Beautiful mobile websites?

Place your website on the top of search results on Google, Yahoo!, Bing, Yandex

What does SEO Expert mean?

SEO stands for search engine optimization. Incorporating SEO into your website strategy ensures that search engines such as Yandex, Google, Yahoo! and Bing can find your website. At Ivon Web Developer we are SEO experts because we know your success depends in large part on search engines being able to find you. With our SEO strategies guarantee you will be found.

In the good old days….you know, waaaaay back 20 years ago….all you had to do was build a website, throw it up on the Internet and voila! instant visitors. In other words all you had to do was build it and they would come. Not so any more.

Now everybody and their brother has a website and search engines have to wade through all these sites to find those that are relevant to the search being performed. So, what does this mean for you? It means that not only do you need to have a great looking site, you must also make sure the search engines find it and deem it relevant enough to appear at the top of the search results.

Not only that, but once you appear at the top of the pile in search returns, you have to grab the viewers’ attention in……

5 seconds, 1/12th of a minute

……that’s the amount of time you have to grab a viewer’s attention.

Ivon has a clear understanding of the 5 second rule. After all, this isn’t our first rodeo; we have been providing our clients with high quality, attention grabbing web and print design for several years so we are uniquely qualified to equip your site with the tools necessary to attract viewers within the 5 second window. 

For a free consultation, email us or give us a call at + 44 203 3182 335 or par email


SPEAK WITH US : SEO, CSS, HTML, PHP……huh? Don’t worry if you have no idea what these terms mean. The only thing that’s important is that WE know what they mean, but because inquiring minds want to know,
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